The total of your shopping bag will be displayed at your ‘My Cart’ page. Should you wish to apply any discount/ promotional code, you may do so accordingly, as well as check the estimated shipping rate to your country. When you are ready to make your purchase, click the ‘Checkout Now’ button.
1) If you are not logged in to you Waterboy Sdn Bhd account, you will be prompted to do so. Alternatively, if you do not have an account with us, you may choose to ‘Check out as guest’
2) Complete your billing and shipping information accordingly. The chargeable shipping rate (if applicable) for both Standard and Express delivery to your location will be displayed under ‘Shipping Method’. We will charge RM3 per kilometer for delivery services. Proceed to select your preferred mode of shipment as well as packaging option. You may also add a gift message if you wish to.
3) Under ‘Payment information’, select your preferred mode of payment as listed. Full details of your order will be displayed under ‘Order Review’. Upon confirmation, click ‘Place Order’ and you will be redirected to a secure payment gateway to complete payment.
You will receive an Order Confirmation email once your transaction is successful. Kindly note that once an order has been successfully placed, we are not able to make any modifications or cancellations on your order.